Statement from Jim Garrison
July 22, 2009, 1:40 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I found this statement on the Zeitgeist Addendum movie and thought it was worth posting. Read it over and over again, and if you haven’t already seen the Zeitgeist Addendum, go watch it now.

Taken cumulatively, the integration of the world as a whole, particularly in terms of economic globalization and the mythic qualities of “free market” capitalism, represents a veritable “empire” in its own right. . . No nation on earth has been able to resist the compelling magnetism of globalization. Few have been able to escape the “structural adjustments” and “conditionalities” of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, or the arbitration’s of the World Trade Organization, those international financial institutions that, however inadequate, still determine what economic globalization means, what the rules are, and who is rewarded for submission and punished for infractions. Such is the power of globalization that within our lifetime we are likely to see the integration, even if unevenly, of all national economies in the world into a single global, free market system.

~ Jim Garrison

Does Michael Jackson Get To Go To Heaven?


Well as many of you have probably already heard Michael Jackson died today. I’m a little ashamed to admit the first thing that popped in my head when I heard he had dies was… is Michael Jackson going to heaven or hell? This is such a random and silly question to pose to ones self especially when I don’t particularly believe in heaven or hell. The funny thing is my belief in heaven or hell has nothing to do with the thoughts arising in my mind.

And that’s how the mind works, one minute your working on a powerpoint presentation on photosynthesis and the next you’re pondering the purpose of all mankind. I’ve learned to just observe and go with the flow.

So in the spirit of going with the flow I think the question I posed myself deserves examination. Does Michael Jackson get to go to heaven?

When I ask myself this question immediately another question comes to mind and that is, does it really matter? To answer the second question I’ll firmly say no it doesn’t matter but for the purposes of intellectual stimulation and semantic banter why not say yes it does matter.

I’m going to cast my vote now and say Michael Jackson does get to go to heaven! Let us assume the worst that all the rumors about him are true with regard to his indiscretions with underage boys, Jesus juice and the whole 9 yards… I say he still goes to heaven.

The reason I say this and let me clarify again (I don’t believe in a actual heaven) but Michael Jackson from what I have gathered lived his life in hell.

I would dare say that with Michael Jackson’s death today in his last breath it would have been a sigh of relief. Just think about it, that poor man (boy) never got the chance at a normal childhood. Think about it every time you’ve seen him on television in an interview he seemed like a child trapped in a mans body. Painfully shy and reclusive for me it was almost painful to watch him interviewed or questioned in front of a live audience, and do you remember the staged kiss between him and Lisa Marie Presley?

The only time we got to see the real Michael Jackson was when he was on stage doing his thing, singing and dancing… that’s when he let his guard down and that’s when you could see who Michael really was.

For lack of a better phrase… “God bless Michael Jackson” and amen he’s finally free!

I’m sure the next 2 weeks will be nothing but sensationalized news coverage and all kind of celebrities coming out of the wood works to say how much they loved Michael Jackson. But after these next few weeks, week by week, year by year and on to the next generation perhaps all the rumors and silver tongued news reporters will fade into the past and all that will be left is his music and legacy as a great entertainer.

None of us got to know who Michael Jackson truly was because that poor man didn’t even know who he was. So I’ll shy away from the canned response Michael Jackson R.I.P. that I’m sure everyone and their mom’s will be posting and twittering over the next couple of days.

Michael Jackson… don’t rest in peace, Michael Jackson spread your wings and fly, dance on clouds and show the angels how to moon walk. Today is not a day for mourning but a day for celebration, Michael Jackson is finally free and gone from this hellish life of under a microscope.

Peace and love to the king of pop!

Alan Watts Audio Lecture – On Being God 1of2

This lecture by Alan Watts is titled “On Being God”. This 2 hour lecture in 2 parts has numerous gems, one of my favorite lines has to be “Socially approved experiences of reality”.

Alan takes a look at the nature of the human mind and our interpretations of it. He looks over the many different conclusions that we’ve come up with to explain our existence. It is noted by Alan that man, no matter how hard he tries to sum up or quantify the human condition and existence these attempts in the past have all been futile. The reason being for this folly is that man is incapable to come upon and maintain the conscious attention that is needed to observe the multi faceted, numerous and unlimited states of the universe.

“The scanning process of mans conscious attention is very inadequate for dealing with the infinitely many variables the multi-dimensional processes of the universe”.

He then goes on to examine how man has fundamentally waged war on nature and the natural ways and processes of the world. It seems as though we must conquer and make nature subordinate to man. Its as though we think man is the ruler of nature and this is the natural order of things.

This is a terrible mistake.

It does seem to be a true observation by Alan, even though this lecture was over 2 decades ago it seems to hold even more truth today. From my viewpoint man is a part of nature not its custodian. We cannot bring order to nature or control it, the continued attempt to do so is a fundamental flaw in our global society.

We want to control and account for everything. We draw imaginary lines in the world and create countries separating ourselves from one another. From within those imaginary lines we then create governments and systems that are supposed to bring order and peace but as it were… looking over history none of these systems or governments have ever brought order or peace nor will they in the future.

I digress…

Later in the lecture Alan then goes on to talk about Jesus and the many different interpretations of his words and experiences. Alan’s commentary is very colorful and in my opinion on point. One of the more interesting points he sticks with is the interpretation of when Jesus said “I am a son of God”.

He goes on to talk about how the Jews made it blasphemy and the Christians said only Jesus can say that he’s the son of god. Alan points out that this is a flaw and obvious misinterpretation as we are all the son’s of god, we are all god, we are all one with god. When Jesus said “I and the father are one” he didn’t mean just him.

To know that you are god is another way to say that you feel connected with this Universe, that in everything you do you feel that you express the perfection and ultimate truth. It is when you are disconnected from that truth when you cannot see that you are by all means “God” this is when man becomes ignorant, agitated and has to try to put things in order… give reason to things.

When one sees he is perfection there is no need to explain it, there aren’t any needs for interpetations, Bibles, Qurans, Atheist, etc.

I would like to invite anyone who is interested to post your thoughts on the audio lecture. The second part to the lecture will be posted shortly after this one.


Zencast 185 – Mindfulness of Speaking Pt.4of7, Gil Fronsdal

In this episode Gil begins to talk on the ethics of right speech, this episode is more focused on what to avoid as opposed to what to act on. Gil then goes over some of the different ethics: taking care of yourself, minimizing harm for others, etc.

One of the more interesting precepts with regard to taking care of yourself is to be mindful that you never lie. This precept in particular I take a great personal interest; I’ve been especially mindful of this in the last year of my life. Telling even what seem to be harmless or little lies can definitely come back to bite you when you are most unexpected. If one is truly mindful and aware of their speech one would never lie, not even the little lies.

One of my favorite stories that Gil gives in this episode with regard to lying is that even in the society of the Devil the one precept that they follow is that there is no lying. He then explains that even in a society such as the Devil’s there needs to be a level of truth otherwise even that society wouldn’t function.

Ah yes… the truth shall set you free indeed.

In any case I’ll let you listen to this Zencast and make of it what you will, as always your comments are welcome.

Why Do I Have To Call Myself An Atheist?

To begin this article let me start off by saying if you define yourself as an Atheist please read the following words very carefully, actually read them 3 or 4 times until you understand.

I, “Echo” am not here to judge you… I, don’t have an opinion either way about you being an Atheist. The content within this article are my observations, not my opinions but what is actually happening in reality. So please [[[ DO NOT TAKE THIS PERSONALLY ]]] if you are an Atheist, go on with your beliefs I’m not trying to change your belief system or how you want to define yourself.

To start lets clarify what it is to actually have a belief.


    1.something believed; an opinion or conviction: a belief that the earth is flat.
    2.confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof: a statement unworthy of belief.

    3.confidence; faith; trust: a child’s belief in his parents.

    4.a religious tenet or tenets; religious creed or faith: the Christian belief.

    (link to reference page)

Having a belief in something is basically having come to a conclusion. So what we have here are a world of believers and non-believers, ironically the non-believers, non-belief becomes their belief.

Ideally this is how it works for the believers. A group of people say we’ve looked back over all of time, we’ve looked back over history since man has kept a record and after our rigorous unbiased investigations of history and reality this is our conclusion, this is our set of beliefs.

If one would like to question their set of beliefs then they (the believers) will produce the evidence that substantiates their findings e.g., Bible, Quran, Bagavaghita, Scrolls or any other ancient text or findings.

On the other end of the spectrum we have the non-believers.

How it works for the non-believers is EXACTLY the same. A group of people say we’ve looked back over all of time, we’ve looked back over history since man has kept a record and after our rigorous unbiased and scientific investigations of history and reality this is our conclusion, this is our set of beliefs.

Although the non-believers won’t put a name on anything like God, Jesus, Buddha, Jehovah for example nameless or not they now have a belief that there is NO GOD.


    1.a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings.
    (link to reference page)

Let me quickly summarize to make sure that we’re on the same page here. Whether you want to call yourself a believer in whatever faith (Christian, Muslim, Buddhist) or if you claim there isn’t a God… you have a belief. Your belief implies that you’ve done the research, you’ve investigated, gathered all the facts and as such you can say for certain that your conclusion of this evidence is the absolute truth.

If you can see this, observe that this isn’t my (Echo’s) opinion this simply is the way things are.

I’m not making anything up, the facts are… there are people who believe in god and they label themselves one of the many god believing labels e.g. Scientologist, Mormon, Catholic, Baptist, Jew, Muslim, Wicken, Born Again Christian, etc. Opposite of them on the other side of the same coin there are people who don’t believe in god and they label themselves any number of labels mainly, Atheist.

What I would like to talk about today are the Atheist, the so called non-believers. I’m fascinated and amazed by people who call themselves Atheist for a number of reasons. The reason for my fascination primarily is being an outsider looking at the believers and non-believers (Atheist) I can clearly see that they are one in the same.

For as much fighting and fussing that goes on between the two groups (believers and non-believers) they fail to see just how similar they truly are. If one takes the time to seriously look into the fundamental mind of a believer and non-believer you will observe that their BELIEF in a god or lack thereof is divisive, destructive and gives rise to conflict, fighting and great suffering in the world.

In my observations Atheist are very quick to point out that the believers of a god are the reason for wars, fighting, killing, etc. What the Atheist fail to see however is that fundamentally the same thought process that brought the believers to their conclusions about there being a god is the same exact thought process that brought the Atheist to believe there isn’t a god.

The believers and non-believers are similar in several ways. They both subscribe to a belief (in god or no god), they both have spokespersons e.g. authors, preachers, reverends and they both organize to protest their rights to believe what they believe. Above all the most shocking similarity is they both have annoying bumper stickers! To my surprise Atheist even have advertisements in public places and websites that ask for donations to support “the cause”, just like churches.

It is apparent to me that the Atheist mind certainly has good intentions and sees the devastation that has been brought about in this world by the many different faith based religions. It seems as though the Atheist mind sees that because the different religions have taken a stance, because they have come to conclusions, these steadfast absolute conclusions are what give birth to fear, conflict and war.

In seeing this obvious pattern of divisive and destructive behavior the Atheist does not subscribe to a god, the Atheist does not allow themselves to be trapped in the box of religion because obviously it manifest the great horrors and suffering in the world.

Atheist In A Box
The Atheist mind has certainly taken a step in the right direction, they’ve stepped out of the trap, they’ve stepped out of the box but the irony is that they have simply stepped into another trap, another box.

The person who calls himself an Atheist has just traded one label for another, what they are painfully not seeing is that subscribing to any label is what causes conflict, aggression, hate, fear, war and all the rest of it.

Being an observer like myself standing on the outside of this whole beautiful mess one can see that the only difference between an Atheist and a Christian is the spelling of the two words. FundaMENTALLY the Athiest and Muslim share the same mind, they share the same process of thought. This process of thought has given them the audacity to claim truth for themselves one way or the other… god or no god.

If the Atheist mind can go deeper and find it WITHIN himself to not limit himself and this reality with a labels then perhaps he can come to a wonderful realization. Before the Atheist mind can come to this realization he must quiet his mind, be humble and set aside all of his research, scientific proof, book knowledge, etc., if one can do this then perhaps the Atheist mind will find out that… he doesn’t know.

There is a great sigh of relief that comes with not knowing. There is a wonderful weight that is lifted off of ones consciousness in the realization that one simply does not know.

When you subscribe to an idea, concept or set of beliefs and give yourself the label Atheist or Christian or Jew, etc., the flag you’ve raised above your head now requires that you constantly have to maintain and defend your label… your conclusion. People will continually want you to prove your conclusion wrong, and you will be all to happy to do defend and justify your label. The problem with proving your beliefs, justifying your conclusions is that you don’t have any energy to live in the NOW, you’re constantly defending knowledge and thoughts from the past.

The believer and non-believer BOTH have to take care to fastidiously maintain the walls they have built up around themselves. The moment a person claims to be an Atheist or Hindu in that same moment there will be someone trying to prove you wrong and you will naturally feel inclined to justify or prove that you are correct, that your way is the way… this is the truth! Whether you are a peaceful passive believer or non-believer your belief in a god or no god, implies conflict with the other.

If it weren’t for the constant building and tearing down of these walls (labels) that eventually breed conflict, fear, aggression and war it wouldn’t be a problem. The facts are however that because people have come to their individual conclusions and beliefs the world is full of fearful people who absolutely KNOW they have the truth and a world like this will never know peace.

The purpose of me writing this article is to hopefully reach at least one Atheist and perhaps point out that what seems to be a non-aggressive act in calling ones self an Atheist does in fact imply aggression. You could be the most peaceful, kind and loving person on the planet the moment you call yourself an Atheist you are (for lack of a better phrase) waging war on all the believers in god.

I would ask all Atheist who may come across this article to set aside all your beliefs, all your research and proof that there isn’t a god… and ask yourself one question.

Please don’t casually ask yourself this question, don’t simplify it… really go deep with it and sit with it. There is the definition in the dictionary of Atheist and it says“a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings.” What if there were no dictionary, what then?

If you can humble yourself and see that the act of applying a label to yourself be it Christian, Buddhist or Atheist will eventually lead to conflict perhaps you might consider stepping out of this box. Perhaps in seeing this reality you won’t be fooled by the comfort that yet another label brings. Perhaps you’ll see that in calling yourself an Atheist your subscription to this idea, definition, conclusion or belief is the only thing standing between you and the truth. The truth is… you, like me and everyone else on the planet doesn’t know.

When someone asks you is there a god or what is your religion perhaps instead of blocking yourself with an impenetrable wall of a labels like Atheist, Jesus or whatever you can simply say I don’t know. When you say I don’t know you leave the door open for conversation, you are open for discussion… you don’t have to prove anything!

You will find that if someone does approach you and asks you about god or church and you say I don’t know they will go on to explain matter of factually how the world came to be and why reality is the way it is but when you say “I don’t know” there isn’t any conflict there, you don’t give them any reason to argue or become aggressive.

Now that you have spoken the truth “I don’t know” you have the energy to listen to this person and observe them completely. When you have complete energy and are listening to them totally without agreeing or disagreeing, without blocking or denying them it will be easy to see how they HAVE TO TELL YOU their truth.

Don’t judge them but see it for what it is. They are fearful, confused and afraid just like you and in order to deal with this fear they must tell you the way, they must have you agree with them because if they get you to agree with them then they take great comfort in that. It can also be said that if you do not agree with them some people will revel in your not subscribing to their belief and they will take great comfort that YOU are wrong, that you are going to hell and all the rest of it.

The magic here… the real revelation is that in acknowledging that you don’t know you then have the energy to find out!

Whatever it is that has given you and I life and created all the wonders and beauties of the world, the trees, the butterflies, the clouds, earth, wind, water and fire… surely it can’t be summed up by our words, ideas, books, knowledge or labels. However beautiful a language we devise, whatever ideas, poems, verses we come up with to express our ideas about reality, god or no god those words and ideas will only keep us from whatever it is that is actually the ultimate unspeakable truth.

I can see that the Atheist mind is so close to this realization, you’re (almost) ready to say, I don’t know and not knowing is a beautiful loving way to be.

Go deeply Atheist, find it in yourself, you’re almost there… whatever it is that gives rise to this reality, whatever it is or isn’t that gave you and I consciousness trying to describe it with ANY label including “Atheist” will only frustrate others, cause conflict, bring aggression, pain and war.

If you want peace in the world like I do, like everybody does deep down then see this label for what it is… a trap, a limitation, a box and step out… free yourself. There is no shame in not knowing, I (Echo) don’t know and I can tell you standing naked in the winds of truth without clinging to anything is the most loving and liberating action you can take. Not knowing is what will bring peace to you and the world.

Peace and love to you all, I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes.

“I was an Atheist until I found out I am god”